Jackie Hartley Yoga & Fitness CrossFit Level 1 Trainer & Certified Yoga Instructor

Importance of strength & balance in aging

 Kiplinger April 2024

“Good training isn’t just for Instagram models and athletes but for all of us.
Whether we’re feeling a little older, injured, or just new to working out,
its benefits include physical and mental health, improved strength, flexibility, recovery, and work-life balance.” - Coach Jackie's philosophy

was quoted on "how important it is to remain physically active as we age" by journalist Janet Bodnar in the April 2024 Kiplinger magazine article (pictured above) "Singles: build a social network" (page 57).

The quote was an inspiration for Ms. Bodnar to emphasize not just staying active but of building a social network as we age, especially where single or without family members for backup.

The wider context for this advice is that America has a graying demographic trend per Census Bureau statistics.

  • The Baby Boomers generation (born from 1946 to 1964) is almost 80 million strong, all of whom will be age 65 or older by 2030.
  • In 2022, 29% of households are single-person households,
  • In 1960, the figure was 13% of all households.
  • The population itself is growing much slowly than in previous decades, whereby older adults (over 65) will outnumber children ( under 18) by 2035.
Journey on!