Jackie Hartley Yoga & Fitness CrossFit Level 1 Trainer & Certified Yoga Instructor

Today is the first day of fall

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Temperatures are starting to drop and the leaves are starting to change color.  Each morning when I step outside, the shift in seasons is more apparent.  As the heat and humidity of the summer begins to drift away, and is replaced by a cool crispness.  Just as nature prepares itself to renew , this is the perfect time to review resolutions that have fallen to the wayside, and setting intentions. 
As you look back over the past year, what worked and what didn’t?  How do you want to approach your day, or your week?  Intention setting doesn’t need to be overwhelming, or something monumental.  Start small.  Perhaps you want to get off of automatic pilot and be more present in your decision making, or maybe you want to simply take three deep breaths before reacting to a situation that is drawing a negative reaction from you.  Set an intention that is meaningful to you; something that will help you feel more fulfilled.  The more fulfilled you feel, be more positivity you will radiate and without trying, that joy will spread to those around you.  How many times have walked into a room and felt someone’s sadness, anger, or happiness without them saying a word?  Our words, actions, and emotions leave ripples in the universe. 
Move through your day mindfully and with intention.  That’s not to say that we won’t have slip ups.  We are human after all.  Give yourself a little grace when you slip, remind yourself of why your intention is important to you and move forward.  No punishment or chastising needed.  The easier it becomes to forgive yourself, the easier it will be to forgive others.
Embrace the magic of the season.  Find a quiet place, maybe with a hot cup of tea, turn your awareness inwards.  Reflect and renew.